Area Publication or last update date Source organization Text Applied to the DM sector Key words Int 2025 IMDRF Good Machine Learning Practice for Medical Device Development: Guiding Principles x AI, developpment Int 2024 IMDRF Good machine learning practice for...
This table lists all the documents published by the Medical Devices Coordination Group (MDCG), and helps to know at a glance the theme, the target audience and the type of MD concerned for each document. Would you like to know more? Find the complete summary of each...
Theme EMDN Target Audience Manufacturer, competent authorities, notified bodies Products concerned MD, IVD In January 2025, the MDCG published an excel table showing the revision history of all EMDN codes added, deleted or modified in 2024.
Theme EMDN Target Audience Manufacturer, competent authorities, notified bodies Products concerned MD, IVD In January 2025, the MDCG published a document presenting the results of the analysis of submissions made during the annual procedure for revising the European...
Theme EMDN Target Audience Competent authorities, notified bodies Products concerned MD, IVD In January 2025, the MDCG published a model form for submitting proposals under the ad hoc updating procedure for the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN). As a...