news & publications

AI Act published – what impact will it have on devices incorporating artificial intelligence systems?

Do you manufacture devices incorporating artificial intelligence systems and wonder how the newly published AI Act will impact you? Read the rest of this article 😉 The key message to remember: The MD and IVD Regulations continue to drive DM/IVDs incorporating AI! The...

Summaries of MDCG documents

This table lists all the documents published by the Medical Devices Coordination Group (MDCG), and helps to know at a glance the theme, the target audience and the type of MD concerned for each document. Would you like to know more? Find the complete summary of each...

MDCG 2024-10 – Clinical evaluation of orphan medical devices – June 2024

Theme Clinical evaluation Target Audience Manufacturers, NB Products concerned Orphan medical devices Documents mentioned MDR (EU) 2017/745 – article 60 Article 35 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights states These are guidelines for manufacturers and notified bodies...

MDCG  2024-7 – Preliminary assessment review (PAR) form template (MDR) – May 2024.

Theme Assessment of notified bodies  Target Audience Designating authority, NB  Products concerned MD Documents mentioned MDR (EU) 2017/745 – article 39 MDCG 2022-13  This guidance document is a form template to be used by the designating authority as part of the...

MDCG  2024-9 – Preliminary re-assessment review template – IVDR (Regulation (EU) 2017/746)  – May 2024

Theme Re-assessment of notified bodies  Target Audience Designating authority, NB  Products concerned IVD Documents mentioned IVDR (EU) 2017/746 article 40(10) MDCG 2022-13  This document is a template form to be used by the designating authority in the context of the...

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