Publications : Labeling

Virginie Collar EN

​Graduated from an engineering school in Biomedical Sciences, I have always been interested in technological advancements serving healthcare. I then chose to specialize in clinical research to be more closely involved in the benefits brought to patients. I worked as a...

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Summaries of MDCG documents

This table lists all the documents published by the Medical Devices Coordination Group (MDCG), and helps to know at a glance the theme, the target audience and the type of MD concerned for each document. Would you like to know more? Find the complete summary of each...

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UE – MDCG 2025-1 – EMDN Ad hoc procedure – jan 2025

Theme EMDN  Target Audience Competent authorities, notified bodies  Products concerned MD, IVD In January 2025, the MDCG published a model form for submitting proposals under the ad hoc updating procedure for the European Medical Device Nomenclature (EMDN).   As a...

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