
Design & development

You have a prototype and you think you are ready to market it, but are you sure you have all the elements required to demonstrate compliance? Is your design properly documented in accordance with regulatory requirements? How to be sure that the specifications are complete?

Nex’Design is a product providing you with a relevant methodology to achieve mastery of effective and operational design.

  • No more loss of time: all documentation is written in real time throughout the various stages of  development. The verification and validation steps meet the requirements.
  • Drafting the specifications is a fundamental step of any development project: nexialist has developed a method and tools that have proven their worth for our customers since 2007.
  • Change management is a key point of the design to be considered to avoid any suspension from the market place.

A comprehensive and structured documentation will ensure a faster and more serene way to the market placing.

Business cases

Case 1

Design and development

Case 2

Managing a change to the production process for a sub-contractor