External and internal audit
Do you want to audit your subcontractors? Do you ensure proper operation of your quality system and improve its effectiveness? And are you always objective?
Internal audits are a requirement and supplier audits are sometimes needed. In both cases, the relational dimension has a significant impact on the quality of the information provided and the benefits that both parties can draw.
Nexialist has a team of auditors, certified by the NSAI, trained and experienced to carry both your internal audits and audits of your suppliers or partners.
Nex’audit provides:
- A summary highlighting your areas for improvement and strengths;
- Recommendations to improve the audited points.
We can also assist and train you to FDA inspections.
Our experience in dealing with the multitude of audits allows us to keep a clear and objective vision, without the influence of the relationship between the auditor and the auditee.
Audit services can be contracted as a one-off mission or as part of a subscription.
Business cases

Case 1
Assessing the company’s internal operations

Case 2
Evaluating your subcontractors