Date de publication ou de dernière mise à jour |
Organisme source |
Texte |
Application au secteur DM |
Mots clés |
EU |
2025 |
Comission européenne |
Guidelines on prohibited artificial intelligence (AI) practices, as defined by the AI Act |
IA, pratiques interdites |
Suisse |
2025 |
Confédération Suisse |
Overview and Switzerland’s regulatory approach |
IA, règlementaion |
EU |
2025 |
EU, experts indépendants |
Second draft General-purpose AI code of practice |
IA,règlementation, projet |
France |
2024 |
SPEC 2213 – Garantie Humaine des Systèmes fondés sur l’intelligence Artificielle en santé |
IA, garantie humaine |
EU |
2024 |
Parlement européen/Conseil |
Regulation (EU) 2024/1689 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 June 2024 laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence and amending Regulations (EC) No 300/2008, (EU) No 167/2013, (EU) No 168/2013, (EU) 2018/858, (EU) 2018/1139 and (EU) 2019/2144 and Directives 2014/90/EU, (EU) 2016/797 and (EU) 2020/1828 (Artificial Intelligence Act)Text with EEA relevance. |
IA, règlementation,IA Act |
EU |
2024 |
Comission européenne |
Artificial Intelligence – Questions and Answers |
IA, réponse |
EU |
2024 |
Reflection paper on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the medicinal product lifecycle |
x |
IA,cycle de vie du produit, médicaments |
EU |
2024 |
Comission européenne |
Draft implementing regulation laying down detailed rules for the application of the AI Regulation as regards the creation of an independent scientific panel of experts in the field of artificial intelligence |
application de la règlementation IA |
EU |
2024 |
Team NB |
Position paper – DM integrating an AI system |
x |
DM intégrant de l’IA |
EU |
2024 |
AI Act, what are the requirements and deadlines for DM? |
x |
règlementation IA, exigences, dates limites |
EU |
2023 |
Comission européenne |
AI Watch. Artificial Intelligence Standardization Landscape Update |
IA, standardisation |
EU |
2023 |
Recent Advancements in AI – Implications for medical device technology and certification |
x |
IA, dispositif médical, certification |
France |
2023 |
Société française de radiologie et d’imagerie médicale |
Communiqué de presse : Intelligence artificielle et garantie humaine IA un outil à utiliser avec raison |
x |
IA, health application |
EU |
2023 |
White paper on ethical and trustworthy artificial intelligence |
IA, confiance, éthique |
EU |
2023 |
Parlement européen |
What ThinkTanks are Thinking : Artificial Intelligence |
IA, règlementation, opinions |
EU |
2023 |
Medtech Europe |
MedTech Europe signs joint healthcare statement highlighting how the AI Act can give citizens the confidence to embrace AI-enabled medical technologies |
x |
IA, règlementation, fiable |
EU |
2023 |
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Multilayer Framework for Good Cybersecurity Practices for AI |
IA, cybersécurité |
EU |
2023 |
European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA) |
Cybersecurity and privacy in AI – Medical imaging diagnosis |
IA, cybersécurité, imagerie de diagnostic médical |
Germany |
2023 |
Association for Electrical, Electronic & Information Technologies (VBE) /German Society for Biomedical Engineering (DGBMT) |
Market access of continuous learning AI systems in medicine |
x |
IA, accès au marché |
EU |
2023 |
Comission européenne |
JRC : Cybersecurity of Artificial Intelligence in the AI Act |
IA, cybersécurité |
UE |
2023 |
Parlement européen/Conseil |
Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down harmonised rules on artificial intelligence (Artificial Intelligence Act) and amending certain Union legislative acts |
IA, harmonisation, proposition |
France |
2023 |
CNIL : premières guidelines sur le développement systèmes d’intelligence artificielle |
IA, développement |
France |
2022 |
Feuille de route stratégique pour la normalisation de l’intelligence artificielle |
IA, standardisation |
France |
2022 |
IA comment être en conformité avec le RGPD |
IA, RGPD, compliance |
France |
2022 |
Glossaire de l’intelligence artificielle |
IA, définition |
France |
2022 |
Quelques ressources utiles et accessibles à tous pour comprendre l’intelligence artificielle |
IA, définition, source |
France |
2022 |
Intelligence artificielle, de quoi parle-t-on ? |
IA, définition |
France |
2022 |
Guide d’auto-évaluation pour les systèmes d’intelligence artificielle (IA) |
IA,auto-évaluation |
France |
2022 |
Laboratoire d’innovation Numérique de la CNIL (LINC) |
Sécurité des systèmes d’IA |
IA, securité |
EU |
2022 |
Comission européenne |
Glossary of human-centric artificial intelligence |
IA, définition, source |
EU |
2022 |
Parlement européen |
Artificial intelligence in healthcare: Applications, risks, and ethical and societal impacts |
x |
IA, soins médicaux, éthique, risque, impact |
EU |
2022 |
Joint statement in support of the new legislative framework and the AI Act |
IA, règlementation |
France |
2022 |
Comité consultatif national d’Ethique / Comité National Pilote d’Ethique du Numérique |
Avis commun CCNE/CNPEN Diagnostic médical et intelligence artificielle : enjeux éthiques |
x |
IA, diagnostic, éthique |
EU |
2022 |
Team NB |
Position Paper on the designation of notified bodies under the upcoming Artificial Intelligence Act |
IA, règlementation, organisme notifié |
EU |
2022 |
Comission européenne |
Proposal for a DIRECTIVE OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL on adapting non-contractual civil liability rules to artificial intelligence (AI Liability Directive) |
IA, règlementation, proposition |
EU |
2021 |
Comission européenne |
IA, règlementation, harmonisation |
France |
2021 |
Philippe Besse, Aurèle Besse-Patin, Céline Castets-Renard. |
Implications juridiques et éthiques des algorithmes d’intelligence artificielle dans le domaine de la santé. Statistique et Société |
x |
IA, éthique, soins médicaux |
EU |
2021 |
The Lancet Digital Health Muehlematter, U. J., Daniore, P., & Vokinger, K. N |
Approval of artificial intelligence and machine learning-based medical devices in the USA and Europe (2015-20): a comparative analysis. |
x |
IA, règlementation, dispositif médical , US/Europe |
EU |
2021 |
Comission européenne |
AI Watch. Defining Artificial Intelligence 2.0 |
IA, définition |
EU |
2021 |
Medtech Europe |
Medtech Europe response to the open public consultation on the Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Act (COM/2021/206) |
IA, règlementation |
EU |
2021 |
Comission européenne |
Study on eHealth, Interoperability of Health Data and Artificial Intelligence for Health and Care in the European Union |
x |
IA, santé, interopérabilité |
EU |
2021 |
Artificial Intelligence in medical devices – verifying and validating AI-based medical devices |
x |
IA, exigences règlementaires, écart |
Netherlands |
2021 |
Gouvernement des Pays-Bas |
Legal Analysis – European legislative proposal draft AI act and MDR/IVDR |
x |
IA, règlementation |
France |
2021 |
Laboratoire Nationnal de Métrologie et d’Essais (LNE) |
Référentiel de certification intelligence artificielle |
IA, confiance, conformité |
EU |
2021 |
Comission européenne |
New rules for Artificial Intelligence – Questions and Answers |
IA, règlementation, réponse |
France |
2021 |
LégiFrance |
Law n°2021-1017 of 2 August 2021 on bioethics introducing article L4001-3 of the Public Health Code |
Bioéthique |
EU |
2020 |
High-Level Expert Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI HLEG) |
The assessment List for Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence (ALTAI) |
IA, auto-évaluation, digne de confiance |
EU |
2020 |
Comission européenne |
White Paper on Artificial Intelligence: a European approach to excellence and trust |
IA, digne de confiance, UE |
EU |
2020 |
Comission européenne |
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Healthcare: applications, availability and societal impact |
x |
IA, soins médicaux, médecine personnalisée |
EU |
2020 |
Artificial Intelligence in EU medical device legislation |
x |
IA, règlementation, modification |
France |
2020 |
Grille descriptive des fonctionnalités des dispositifs médicaux embarquant un système avec apprentissage automatique (intelligence artificielle) |
x |
IA, dispositif medical, fonction, remboursement |
Germany |
2020 |
DIN SPEC 92001-2:2020 – Life cycle Processes and Quality Requirements – Part 2: Robustness |
IA, cycle de vie, robustesse |
EU |
2019 |
Comission européenne |
Ethical guidelines for trustworthy AI |
IA, confiance, legal, éthique, robuste |
EU |
2019 |
Pharmalex |
White Paper – Software, artificial intelligence and medical devices – what’s up? |
x |
IA, règlementation |
EU |
2019 |
The emergence of artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms in healthcare: recommendations to support governance and regulation |
x |
IA, règlementation, soins médicaux |
Germany |
2019 |
DIN SPEC 92001-1:2019 – Life cycle processes and quality requirements – Part1:Quality Metamodel |
x |
IA, qualité, cycle de vie |
EU |
2018 |
Comission européenne |
Questions and Answers: coordinated plan for Artificial Intelligence « made in Europe » |
IA, plan, Europe |
UE |
2016 |
Intersoft consulting |
Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on General Data Protective Regulation |
données, protection, circulation, |